About This Course

Being a dog-friendly brewery can be a great way to build community enthusiasm about your space, contribute to a fun atmosphere, and ultimately, sell more beer. But hosting dogs is not without its risks and headaches. As a bartender in a dog-friendly brewery, are you prepared to navigate these dog issues safely in order to create the best experience for all of your brewery guests? This course covers topics like reading dog body language; understanding the differences between service dog, ESAs, Therapy Dogs, and pet dogs and your responsibilities in each of these categories; managing health risks of hosting dogs in your brewery; preventing and reacting to dog incidences in your brewery, including dog bites & fights; handling the human on the other end of the leash; and more. Breweries who complete this training for 75% of their customer-facing staff can apply for their Certified Dog-Friendly Brewery status.

Tuition Includes

  • Education course (for 1 individual) on everything you need to know about welcoming dogs into your brewery space safely and confidently.

  • Breweries with 75% staff completion rate for this course are awarded Certified Dog-Friendly Brewery designation.

  • Access to exclusive Facebook group for collaboration, learning, and on-going support with other DWYD™ breweries.

Pricing Options

  • Individual Staff Member

    If you are a brewery staff team member, you can enroll yourself in this course using the portal above. If 75% of your brewery staff complete the course, your brewery can apply for its Certified Dog-Friendly Brewery designation.

  • Brewery Team

    If you are a brewery manager looking to purchase access to this course for your whole team, you can either enroll each team member individually using the portal above, or contact us ([email protected]) to purchase a bundle of coupon codes for easier access for all of your team members. If 75% of your brewery staff complete this course, your brewery can apply for its Certified Dog-Friendly Brewery designation.

Course Instructor

I love helping people and their dogs have great adventures together. I have been training dogs since the age of 10, and teaching others how to train their dogs since the age of 13. Needless to say, it's a long burning passion of mine that's not going away any time soon. When I'm not teaching about dogs online or in person, you'll find me hiking with my best four-legged hiking buddy in the lovely mountains of Colorado.


Trail Blazer & Head Trainer

Welcome Dogs to your Brewery With Confidence!

Drink With Your Dog™ In the Press