Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Welcome to Positive Reinforcement Training Basics!

    • Podcasts, Books, and More!

  • 02


    • Marker Training Basics Overview

    • Marker Training Basics

    • Marker Training Basics FAQs

    • Different Types of Markers & Rewards

    • Marker Mechanics

    • Capturing, Shaping, Luring

    • Adding a Cue

  • 03


    • Setting Up A Training Session

    • Treat Guidelines

    • Strategic Reinforcement

    • Handling Mistakes

    • Setting Boundaries

    • Leash Handling Basics

    • Setting Your Dog Up For Success In New Situations

    • When To Bring In Professional Support

  • 04


    • Applying Positive Reinforcement

    • Applying Your Marker Word in Life

    • Applying Your Marker Word in Training

  • 05

    Next Steps for Training!

    • Self-Study Online Courses in the Summit Virtual Classroom

    • Private Virtual Training with Summit

    • In-Person Private Lessons in Colorado

    • In-Person Group Classes in Colorado

    • Keep up the great work with your dog!

Your Course Instructors!

I love helping people and their dogs have great adventures together. I have been training dogs since the age of 10, and teaching others how to train their dogs since the age of 13. Needless to say, it's a long burning passion of mine that's not going away any time soon. When I'm not teaching about dogs online or in person, you'll find me hiking with my best four-legged hiking buddy in the lovely mountains of Colorado.


Trail Blazer & Head Trainer

Your Course Instructors!

Benah got her start in dog training through the sport of agility in 2012 - she fell in love with the sport and never looked back! Agility has inspired Benah to understand the intricacies of canine behavior and communication, with a specific focus on relationship building and R+ training methods. Benah loves nothing more than helping her clients experience a more fun and engaged relationship with their dogs, and loves watching teams develop more effective methods of communication. Benah lives in Chatham, NY, with her Border Collies and cat.

Benah Stiewing CPDT-KA

Summit Associate Trainer